The Student Leadership is an integral part of life at The Vale Academy.  It is overseen by the Head Boy and Head Girl and has student representatives from Years 7-11 who have applied for and have been appointed to post.  The Student Leadership Team will work alongside the Senior Leadership team with a common purpose of ensuring that all students that attend The Vale Academy have access to an outstanding education.  They set out to be excellent role models and encourage others to do the same. Any issues the students at The Vale Academy have, or any improvements they wish to make are taken forward by the Student Leadership Team and discussed in order to fix or make them happen. 

The Student Leadership Team is co-ordinated by Mrs Julie Todd, Teacher. The team meets every other Friday during tutor time.  

The Student Leadership Team at The Vale Academy is led by the Head Boy and Head Girl and is made up of senior student leaders from years 11 and 10 and junior student leaders from years 7-9. 

If you wish to contact the student Leadership Team you can email the at